[Events] RED FLAGS

AVET Project kim at avetproject.org
Tue Dec 17 16:30:11 EST 2013


TOGETHER we can help/do MORE
If you can't stand behind our military
feel free to stand infront of them.
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HELP PREVENT 23 Military Suicides a DAY and NOTICE the "Red Flags"

JOIN TEAM AVET Project and help raise funds for 2014 Retreats.

AVET  Project invites you to join us in meeting the NEEDS of our brave men  and 
women who have returned home from deployment. These patriotic  Americans have voluntarily
given up so much to keep us safe,

AVET  Project is on a mission to raise money as well as collect donations for  Project
Recuperation and Reintegration (PR&R), a retreat-based  outreach program. Once a
 military member returns from duty in a combat  zone,

AVET Project  staff members provide instruction on reintegration issues, coping 
 methods, relaxation skills, as well as stress mediation techniques.  Suicide risk
assessment and PTSD/TBI screenings are provided along with  personal and group therapy
regarding these and other reintegration  issues facing our warrior's return to civilian
A flexible  itinerary is followed so the participant can choose to partake or simply
 skip a topic, if desired. Ground transportation, meals, lodging, course  materials,
massage, and recreational opportunities are provided  absolutely FREE for 3days.
They already paid the  price.

AVET Project retreats have positively impacted all  warriors who have attended and
many received VA benefits they were not  aware of. Some have received over $2k a
 month in VA benefits which is  life changing and reduces stress in their lives.

HELP PREVENT 23 Military Suicides a DAY and NOTICE the "Red Flags"

JOIN TEAM AVET Project and help raise funds for 2014 PR& R Retreats.

Here is some Suggestions remembering 23 Military Suicides a DAY

Month of JANUARY Red Flags TEAM GOAL (2-10 people):

* Walk/Run/Bike for a total of 230 miles in the month of January
* OR
* Set a donation jar out and ask for .23cents a day for the month of Jan
* Teams raise money by getting family, friends and co-workers to sponsor them per
mile or per day
* Teams  are not limited geographically.  It can be a local group that logs  mileage
together or could be a team spread out across the USA or even  overseas.
* Maybe your GROUPS can help: Office, Gym, Poker, Cards, Sports, Community, Ladies,
Mens, etc....



RED FLAGS [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0017baC8ed949t7WQrQ68hL79FnGg9rT1TKDhEdFBGFP7y90wXmyWKfG253d0-BQ5vExCka5UOR6R36gJkoRwhD4rW8NDycZizdQijxLBIlrjjciConCC9L5jmp_Irg-M6G0axO6RCF4mByxd5eaYEJTLRksWaQAVPFM9qLGRAbDbmBkoP_cp1jG_6m_1ko9jnXvGFGQRFybQG1Rs4fCdfcdVL8XKffxHkraF7epcgPSDaWzCZMbINCZcllJHhPIReB82sOrJz8aHi9lN5Kq_oD0Q==]


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